about Trinity


Live by Faith in Christ,
Through Worship, Study, Service, and
Loving One Another.

Members of Session

Sitting Elders

Elders are set apart for a ministry of mercy, service, and outreach. They gather gifts and offerings, care faithfully, and provide wisdom and compassion to persons in need and for purposes that advance God’s kingdom on earth. They strive to strengthen and nurture the life and faith of the congregation, as well as the whole church, through the shared discernment of God’s Spirit and governance of God’s people. We warmly welcome and thank our new Elders.


Joan Carrell
Carrie Casto
Wayne Hood
Kate Ingalls
Clark Lashmett
Chip Shay
Gail Stein
John Trohkimoinen


Interim Pastor

John Morris, M.Div.

Trinity Team Members

Andy O’Brien

Jolene Hessler
Office Administrator

Bill Bryant
Family Ministries

Kellie Walker Hart
Director of Music


Spike Foley
AV Director


Trinity Teams

+ Mission

+ Christian Education

Sommer Dunn | Carla Lashmett| Sarah Broderick | Shannon Prehn

+ Outreach

Ron Norfleet| John Morris | Jolene Hessler | Bill Bryant

+ Worship

John Morris | Kellie Walker Hart | Andy O'Brien
Paraments: Stephanie Kallam
Visual Arts: Kellie Walker Hart | Gail Shay | Pam Dunmire | Judy DeBoer
Technology: Spike Foley | Jim Adams

+ Building & Grounds

Bob Raudebaugh | Greg Vandersteeg | Jean Hood | Spike Foley

+ Finance and Stewardship & Legacy

Wayne Hood | Linda Hoover |Carole Vandersteeg | Carrie Casto


Sicatuva History

Trinity Presbyterian Church is unique in that it began as a Yavapai Indian Mission whose members later invited Anglos of the community to worship with them.